Retailer Resources

What is Audenticity?

Audenticity provides a suite of online advocacy marketing tools for brands and retailers. These tools help these companies amplify word of mouth and increase sales through online content creators, influencers, and affinity groups. Learn more in this overview article.

Setup #1: Make your affiliate program discoverable

Once you have an affiliate program in place, the next step is to let people know about it. The first place influencers look is your website or during a shopping flow. Learn how to set up your links for easy discovery.

Setup #2: Configure Audenticity for Success

Audenticity offers a number of settings and features to help you get the most sales and brand awareness from the platform. Follow these step-by-step instructions to make sure you are setup.

Setup #3: Make it easy for advocates to post by uploading Brand Assets

As a brand, you want to encourage advocates to post about your products, but we all know how hard it is to start with a blank slate. Our Brand Assets page makes it super easy for content creators and bloggers to start posting about your brand and products. Learn how to give advocates this jump-start.

Setup #4: Invite your existing customer base or email list to your program

Your existing customers are your best advocates, and your strongest word-of-mouth promoters are probably in your customer database. Reach out to them and let them know about your affiliate program.

Mobilizing your advocate community: Sales

A brand advocacy program can be a highly effective way to spread brand awareness and generate sales. However, it won’t just happen by itself. Brands with the most successful programs are actively involved in engaging their advocate community. One of the best ways to motivate advocates and their followers to take action is when you are having sales or discounts.

Mobilizing your advocate community: Advocate Discovery

Are you building out your advocate community? Want to reach new audiences through influencers? If so, you should be using the Audenticity Advocate Center to browse our community of advocates to find particular advocates you want to work with.

Mobilizing your advocate community: Messages

Brands with the most successful programs are actively involved in engaging their advocate community. Audenticity provides you with tools to easily reach out to your advocates and keep them engaged.

Discover the power of Gifted Collabs

Are you trying to spread the word about a new product? Reach a new audience with an existing product line? A “gifted collab” might be the advocacy marketing tool you are looking for.

Click Campaigns - Traffic drivers for your new products

A Click campaign is a performance-based campaign based on traffic driven by an advocate rather than a conversion.

How to use the Audenticity retailer dashboard

Audenticity provides you with power tools to seamlessly manage your online advocate community, setting up your business and your advocates for success. Explore how the retailer dashboard works.

Why affiliate marketing should be in your toolkit

Your most passionate customers are your best marketers, organically spreading the word about your products. Learn why you should be leveraging affiliate platforms to grow your business.

What is attribution and how does it work?

Are you wondering how affiliate marketers keep track of which affiliates to credit for a sale? Read on for a high level explanation.

Make your affiliate program discoverable

An affiliate program is a great channel to amplify word-of-mouth. But it is only useful if potential advocates know about it. Make sure you are taking these steps to make your affiliate program discoverable.