A brand advocacy program can be a highly effective way to spread brand awareness and generate sales. However, it won’t just happen by itself. Brands with the most successful programs are actively involved in engaging their advocate community.
One of the best ways to motivate advocates and their followers to take action is when you are having sales or discounts.
Attribution via discount/promo codes
If you have created discount codes in Shopify for advocates to share with their followers, you can add the code to Audenticity. Any time the discount code is used, the advocate will automatically get the proper attribution and earn a commission. They’ll also see their code whenever they are on your Audenticity page, in case they need a reminder.
Discount codes are a great way to increase the likelihood of an advocate earning a commission and reaching that "Aha moment" where they will be more likely to continue sharing and posting about your products.
Do NOT add a general discount code to an advocate (e.g. FREESHIP) unless you want that advocate to get credit for every sale that uses that code. Only add discount codes that are specific to an advocate.
How To:
- Go to My Advocates
- Click the “...” under Actions next to the Advocate you want to message.
- Click Add a Discount Code.
- Enter the Code.
Tell Audenticity about upcoming events/promos
Share your upcoming discounts and deals with us so we can help you promote them to your advocates. Many content creators plan their posts days, if not weeks, in advance so the more notice we can provide, the better!
Let us know the sale name, promo codes, and valid dates in whatever format works best for you (spreadsheet or email or our form with password "wordofmom"), and we'll make sure your advocates are in the know. If you have sales planned out for the quarter, feel free to send it all to support@audenticity.com and we'll queue them up and make sure your advocates know in advance.
This is a great way to drive traffic and boost sales during your promotions, not to mention making your advocates feel special.