12 days of Clickmas

December 1, 2023

As the festive season approaches, we're thrilled to be launching a marketing campaign that offers new ways for advocates to earn.

Earn Commissions for Every Click

Yes, you read that right! For every unique click your post receives, you’ll earn money. This means every visit, every curious click, translates into earnings for you. Simply create and share your unique content (or use a Store’s Brand Assets) as you usually do with Audenticity’s advocate links. Watch as these clicks turn into earnings, just like your regular sales commissions.

The countdown begins!

Starting December 1st for 12 days, we will feature a different Retailer. Log in each day at 9 am Pacific and check your notifications to see who is the featured retailer for that day. We’re keeping the lineup a surprise, but expect to see Mila’s Keeper, Piggy Paint, and Shop Sweet Lulu. Only one campaign will run at a time.

If you want to participate in that day’s click campaign, go to the Brand > Brand Campaigns and click Join. Make sure you don’t forget this step. Otherwise, any clicks you generate will not count.

If you’ve already created affiliate links, you don’t have to create new ones. If you have not created affiliate links, go ahead and create some for individual products or the entire Store.

Each campaign runs for 24 hours starting at 9 am Pacific, so any unique clicks after you’ve joined the Brand Campaign (see above) will count towards your earnings until either time or the campaign budget runs out. Don’t wait until the end of the day to post!

This is an opportunity to not only boost your earnings but also to engage with your audience in a fun and meaningful way during this festive season. Join us in this unique campaign and let's make the end of the year as profitable as it is joyous! Looking forward to seeing your amazing content and the success it brings.


  • If you’ve already created unique content, you can repost that content with your affiliate link.
  • If you do not have the product, you can still participate by using the Retailer’s Brand Assets.

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